120 Stories for 120 Years

With twelve decades of history, Hawaiʻi Gas is one of the oldest companies operating in the Aloha State today. Established in 1904 as the Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd., the company began fueling homes and businesses on Oʻahu with gas from its original plant in Iwilei, eventually growing into an integral energy provider serving diverse communities across the state. As the company grew, so did the number of people who shaped the course of its history.

To commemorate this milestone anniversary and the company’s deep roots in the Islands, we are collecting stories and memories from our community about Hawaiʻi Gas, its people, and happenings from decades past, aiming to collect 120 stories for 120 years. We encourage current and former employees, customers, business and community partners, and anyone with a story or memory to share to participate.

Please use this form to share memories or anecdotes. You may make multiple submissions, and we accept both written submissions and audio recordings. Thank you for helping preserve and celebrate the unique history of Hawaiʻi Gas.

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