Sustainability Commitment

Our commitment to sustainability drives our mission to deliver safe, clean, affordable, resilient energy to communities across the state. We keep Hawaiʻi running on good energy–it’s not just what we do; it’s why we do it.

IRP Report and Action Plan

On January 19, 2022, the Hawaiʻi Public Utilities Commission (HPUC) requested Hawaiʻi Gas to address its long-term planning as a state utility provider. The final IRP Report and Action Plan, including the Integrated Model and Resources Plans, were submitted to HPUC on April 6, 2023. The plan outlines actionable steps for us to advance a clean energy future for our community:

  • Advancing state climate policies, emphasizing low to negative carbon fuels.
  • Accelerating plans for renewable natural gas and hydrogen integration (up to 15% hydrogen).
  • Ensuring Hawaiʻi Gas' reliability within the state's energy supply chain. Upholding affordability for utility customers served.
View Our Action Plan

ESG Reporting

Hawai‘i Gas is committed to sharing good energy for a cleaner, brighter future. We're dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint, fostering social responsibility, and ensuring strong governance practices. The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is an industry-driven organization that assesses and benchmarks the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of real assets. Hawai‘i Gas significantly improved its GRESB scoring from 60 in 2019, 68 in 2000, 85 in 2021 and 89 in 2020. We are committed to continual ESG improvement across the company.

Diversity, Equity + Inclusion
The strength of Hawai‘i Gas is due largely to the many backgrounds, cultures, and experiences of our people. That's why we consider diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE+I) as fundamental to our mission and values, and crucial to our success and growth. Our DE+I policies and procedures are intended to cultivate a workplace where everyone feels welcome, heard, included, respected, and able to express their authentic selves.

Hawai‘i Gas adheres to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Principles on Human Rights with respect to our DE+I focus. The principles include:

In 2022, we launched several new training programs to help employees understand the factors that influence who we are and how we see others. The programs include modules to become a DE+I ally and agent for change (required of all employees), new leadership mindsets to drive DE+I (for management) and other courses reflective of our commitment to create a culture of integrity, mutual respect, and inclusivity.

Gender Diversity
Hawai‘i Gas is a proponent of gender diversity. We recognize that it helps companies attract and retain talented individuals while also introducing different viewpoints, ideas, and market insights that result in better problem-solving and superior performance at the business unit level. Building a diverse, inclusive corporate culture starts at the top. Of our executive leadership team, 40% are female, those being our CEO and CFO. In 2022, female employees at Hawai‘i Gas totaled 25% of our workforce.

Ethnic Diversity
The Hawaiian Islands have a rich history of migration. Over time, it has resulted in Hawai‘i's population becoming a blend of many cultures and made us home to one of the world's most ethnically diverse populations. According to the 2020 census, approximately 40% of Hawai‘i residents are non-white and encompass a wide range of ethnicities, including Pacific Islander, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, Hispanic, Black African, and Black Caribbean.

At Hawai‘i Gas, we promote ethnic diversity to ensure our people are representative of the communities they serve. The ethnic makeup of Hawai‘i Gas has remained relatively stable from 2021 through 2022.  Our largest ethnic group of employees are of Asian descent, followed by those claiming two or more ethnicities. then Native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders.

Hawai‘i Gas Kokua Giving
The Kokua Giving program provides financial assistance to nonprofits and community groups engaged in activities related to education, environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and social services. Hawai‘i Gas values community involvement and seeks to make a positive impact by investing in projects aligning with our mission and values. These are the three main program areas:

Corporate Giving and Sponsorships

Giving is focused on support for organizations and events aligning with our top businesses, which include the food industry, travel and tourism, industrial and construction, education, hospitals, and organizations dedicated to conservation.

Community Engagement
Our community engagement encourages employees to become directly involved in their communities through volunteerism at various events and activities supported by Hawai‘i Gas.

Employee Matching Program
When a Hawai‘i Gas employee makes a personal donation to an eligible nonprofit organization, Hawai‘i Gas matches the employee's contribution with a corresponding donation up to $500. The matching amount is typically equal to the employee donation, effectively doubling the impact of the employee's charitable gift. By empowering and incentivizing our employees to give back to the community, we amplify our positive impact on various charitable projects and causes.

Measuring ESG Performance

The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is an industry-driven organization that assesses and benchmarks the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of real assets. GRESB assessments represent what investors and the industry consider to be material issues in the sustainability and performance of real asset investments and are aligned with various international reporting frameworks, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Paris Climate and regional and country specific disclosure guidelines and regulations. Hawai‘i Gas is a GRESB participant and submits its ESG reporting through the GRESB framework.  

Innovation/Tech Advancements

Continuous innovation ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of gas production, transportation, and distribution. In monitoring performance and analytics, technology optimizes Hawaiʻi Gas’ ability to explore and adopt cleaner, more sustainable energy practices. This includes the integration of renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and other low-carbon fuels in our pipeline. 

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