

In 1974, the Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) Plant was built, widely expanding good energy options for our community. Hawaiʻi Gas blends the SNG with renewable natural gas and up to 15% hydrogen. That fuel mix is distributed to residential and commercial customers through our underground pipeline network on Oʻahu.

With zero carbon emissions, hydrogen is one of the most promising, highly versatile energy sources available. Hawaiʻi Gas is actively engaging in international hydrogen research initiatives and has undertaken development projects to enhance the incorporation of alternative fuel into our supply mix.

HydroPel: Piloting Breakthrough Hydrogen Technology

Using Oceanit’s HydroPel technology in Hawai‘i Gas’ synthetic natural gas pipeline ensures safe transportation and delivery throughout the entire 1,100-mile network. While our 15% hydrogen natural gas blend supports greater decarbonization, it puts infrastructure at risk for hydrogen embrittlement. To continue delivering safe, clean, affordable energy, Oceanit's Hydropel is an innovative nanocomposite surface treatment that safeguards pipelines and reduces energy costs.

HyBlend: Blending Hydrogen in Natural Gas Pipelines

Led by the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), the multi-lab, multi-industry HyBlend Project is accelerating the potential for blending hydrogen gas in natural gas pipelines. Hawai‘i Gas is one of over twenty participants selected by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) to address technical barriers, compatibility research and development, techno-economic analysis, and life cycle analysis. The study will inform the development of publicly accessible tools that characterize opportunities, costs, and risks of blending.

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