The Gas Company determines the location of its meters. Meters should be set outside for easy accessibility and service. Meters shall be located in ventilated spaces accessible for examination, reading, replacement, and maintenance. (NFPA 54 5.7.21). A satisfactory meter location can best be determined if The Gas Company is contacted while the building or structure is still in the planning stage. The possibility of future relocation at the customer’s expense can be minimized by early discussions with The Gas Company representatives. Typical point of delivery or The Gas Company termination point is designated after the meter set. All piping after the point of delivery is considered to be customer’s piping.
A. In an underground vault or pit
B. In a crawl space either under or within building
C. In living quarters, closets, restrooms, or bathrooms
D. In engine, boiler, or heater rooms
F. Under interior stairways, or under show windows
G. Within 4 feet in all directions of an electric meter
H. In un-ventilated spaces
I. Within 3 feet from a source of ignition / open flame
J. On LP-Gas (propane) meters, the regulator vent shall not be located within 3 feet horizontally from a building opening below the regulator vent
Meters when set inside will be installed immediately adjacent to and in the same room where the gas service line enters the building. Every outdoor regulator must be independently vented to the atmosphere. Any vent line exceeding 10 feet in length must be approved by the Engineering department.
Service regulator vents must terminate in a safe outsid elocation that complies with the following:
A. When installed indoors, every regulator shall be vented to the atmosphere.
B. The vent shall not terminate within three (3) feet from any source of ignition. (NFPA 54 [2]).
C. The vent shall not terminate within three (3) feet from an openable window or building opening which would allow vented or leaking gas to enter the building.
D. The vent shall not terminate within six (6) feet from any mechanized air intake.
E. The vent shall not terminate under show windows or in other areas where groups of people are likely to congregate frequently.
F. The vent shall not terminate under building overhangs where the overhang is likely to direct the venting of gas to a building opening.
G. The vent line must be at least the same pipe size as theoutlet of the pressure relieving device.
H. Vent lines shall not be run to equipment flue or exhaust systems. (NFPA 54 [5]) .
I. The vent shall be designed or oriented to terminate downwards to prevent the entry of water, insects, or other foreign materials that could cause blockage.